Guest Post with Us! – Shayari, Pick Up Lines, Insta Caption

Thank you for your interest in contributing a guest post to Lines For Love! We welcome guest submissions from talented writers and content creators who share our passion for love, romance, and all things related to relationships.

Guest Post Guidelines

Before submitting your guest post, please review the following guidelines to ensure that your content aligns with our website’s theme and quality standards.

Content Relevance:

Your guest post should be relevant to the topics covered on Lines For Love, which include pickup lines, shayari, song lyrics, Instagram captions, and Instagram bio ideas related to love and relationships.


We only accept original content that has not been published elsewhere, including on your personal blog or other websites. Duplicate or plagiarized content will not be considered.

Length and Formatting:

The preferred length of guest posts is between 800-1500 words. Ensure that your content is well-structured, easy to read, and free from grammatical errors.

Use subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to enhance readability.
Provide relevant images, if applicable, and ensure that you have the necessary rights or permissions to use them.

Content Quality:

We value high-quality and engaging content. Your guest post should provide value to our readers, offer insights, and resonate with our audience.

Attribution and Promotion:

You may include a brief author bio (up to 2-3 sentences) at the end of the post, along with a link to your personal website or social media profile.
We reserve the right to edit guest posts for clarity, grammar, and adherence to our guidelines.

Content Review:

All guest posts will be reviewed by our editorial team before publication. We may suggest revisions or provide feedback to ensure that the content meets our standards.

Submission Process:

  • If you have a guest post that meets the above guidelines, please send it as a Google Docs link or in plain text format to
  • Use “Guest Post Submission – [Your Title]” as the subject of the email.
  • In the body of the email, provide a brief introduction about yourself and any relevant writing experience.
  • Please note that submitting a guest post does not guarantee publication on Lines For Love.
  • We will do our best to respond to all submissions within a reasonable time frame, but we appreciate your patience during the review process.

We look forward to reading your guest post and potentially featuring your valuable insights on our website!

With love,
The Lines For Love Team